Restrict Content Pro – WP Job Manager Bridge

Restrict Content Pro is my premium subscription management plugin. WP Jobs Manager is a free plugin from Mike Jolley for managing job listings from WordPress. This is a simple extension for both plugins that allows you to restrict jobs posting to members who have paid subscriptions through Restrict Content Pro.

Please Consider Not Using Curly Brackets {} in Template Files

The vast majority of developers will cringe a bit when they hear the recommendation against using curly brackets, {}, but I believe very strongly that when writing template files, in both themes and plugins, you should strictly avoid using brackets. The reason being that template files should be written for clarity, both for developers and…

Review: MyMail Email Newsletter Plugin

MyMail  is an email newsletter plugin written by revaxarts that provides you a complete system for creating newsletters, collecting subscribers, building campaigns, and more from within your WordPress Dashboard. It is a fully featured email newsletter plugin, including autoresponders, that gives you the power of a system like Mail Chimp, except without a subscription and it’s…

bbPress – Private Replies Extension

I run several support forums on the bbPress plugin and one of the issues I have constantly run into is how to provide a good way for users to post private information in their support threads, without having to email it or open a private ticket in a separate system. In order to solve this,…

Why I Love Plugins

If you hadn’t guessed it already, I really, really love WordPress plugins. I love writing them, using them, reviewing them, and everything else involved with plugins. There is just something about them that really excites me; I always love writing new plugins. I’d like to explore a few of the reasons why I have so…

bbPress Custom Notification Emails

bbPress includes a feature that allows users to subscribe to forum topics, meaning that anytime a new reply is posted to that topic, all subscribed users will receive an email alerting them of the reply. bbPress does not, however, provide an option to customize the contents of this email, so that’s what this extension for…

Loading Scripts Correctly in the WordPress Admin

There has been a lot of talk over the last two days about loading scripts, particularly jQuery, correctly in WordPress themes and plugins, and anyone who follows me on Twitter probably knows that this is an issue I bring up a lot. When providing support for my plugins, I discover themes (and plugins) that are…

Easy Digital Downloads Launches

Many of you are probably familiar with the project I have been working on lately called Easy Digital Downloads, even if you have only heard the name. Anyhow, I’m very pleased to announce that, after quite a few rounds of beta testing and lots of great feedback, the plugin is live and ready for use.…

Drag and Drop Order for Plugin Options

The drag and drop method of ordering items in an option table is very popular, and also extremely useful. Rather than forcing users to manually enter “order” numbers to sort items the way they want, they can simply click and drag the items into the desired order. I use drag-and-drop ordering quite a bit in…

Repeatable Upload Fields for Easy Content Types

Repeatable fields have been available in Easy Content Types for some time now, and have been quite popular. Since their release, a lot of users have been requesting that I add a “repeatable upload” field type that would permit users to add as many upload fields as they wish, just like the regular repeatable field.…