Writing Your First WordPress Plugin Part 3

In part 3 of this tutorial series, I describe a couple of fundamental techniques for beginner WordPress plugin developers. This section details a very important function for WordPress plugins: how to add any kind of content to the end of a post. I show how it is done, and then also demonstrate some real world…

Better Recent Posts Widget Pro

Better Recent Posts Widget Pro provides a greatly enhanced recent posts widget. The default recent posts widget that comes with WordPress offers almost zero control over which posts are displayed, or how they are displayed. This widget fixes that.

Widget Ninja Premium Plugin Review

Widget Ninja is a new premium plugin from the Web Factory, available at Code Canyon.net. It provides a method for users to control in exactly which environment their widgets appear.

Sugar Slider – Image Slider

Create Beautiful Sliders with Ease Sugar Slider makes it as easy as it could possibly be to create gorgeous sliders for your WordPress powered site. Forget nasty custom fields and image URLs. You can even forget about manually resizing every image before you upload it.