Deliver Automatic Updates for Your WordPress Products

If you are selling WordPress themes or plugins, one of the number one things you should absolutely consider implementing into your products is automatic upgrades. If avoidable, there is no reason a user should be forced to manually log into your site and download a new version, then log into their own site and upload…

User Submitted Image Gallery – Part 7

Part 7 of our User Submitted Image Gallery tutorial series is going to demonstrate how to customize the dashboard columns of our image post type, and also how to add a new widget to our dashboard that displays the latest pending image submissions. In this part we are really focusing on two customizations to the…

It is okay to take a break

I am a workaholic. It is a fact I have known for several years and also one I am trying to change. As I have worked to build a successful business over the last few years for my family, myself, and for others, I have often found myself working countless hours, often late into or…

WordPress Conditional Tags – An Overview

Conditional tags are functions used in WordPress themes and plugins to display content, or perform actions, based upon whether a certain condition is true or not. A condition can be anything; it might be a condition for whether the user is currently viewing the homepage, or a condition for whether the user is currently logged-in.…

Simple Flickr Display Plugin

Ever wanted a function to display your Flickr photos anywhere you want? This quick plugin will give you exactly that: a simple function that you can place anywhere in your template that you want to display a list of photos from a Flickr account.

AffiliateWP: two years later

Two years ago I wrote a post on this site to introduce my latest plugin, AffiliateWP. The plugin quickly became a staple in my company’s product portfolio and has done quite well for us. Today marks the second anniversary of our version 1.0 release so I would like to take a few minutes to look back on some of the highlights and the journey of building one of my most successful plugins.

Why Loading Your Own jQuery is Irresponsible

This is a topic that has been covered numerous times, including several times on this site, but I still find theme and plugin developers that are either unaware of the negative consequences or simply disregard them. I’d like to talk a bit about why exactly removing the default version of jQuery in WordPress and loading…

New website and branding for Sugar Calendar

Today I’m really excited to announce the launch of a new, dedicated website for Sugar Calendar! Say hello to

This is the first in a large series of updates we are working on for our sweet and simple event calendar plugin for WordPress. In the coming months you will see new features released, improved interfaces, numerous add-on plugins, and a whole lot more!

Better Recent Posts Widget Plugin

WordPress comes with a Recent Posts widget that you can use to display a list of your latest posts in your widgetized sidebar, but it’s really not very good in the fact that it does give you any control over your posts at all. So I’ve written a new one.

The monster that is a poor database schema

Step back in time two, three, four, or even 10 years and take a look at the development decisions you made then. What do you notice about them? Unless you are a one-in-a-million statistic, you probably look at those past decisions and say to yourself what was I thinking?! Why did I do it that way?! Welcome to the real world of actual development.

Getting good at support

Support is hard, really hard, and it’s not something that most people are naturally good at. In fact, I’d say a very, very small minority are even remotely good at it without a lot of practice. That number might even be zero. Being able to provide high quality tech support AND also being able to…

Creating WP List Tables by Hand

The WP List Table is what we call the table of data that is displayed when you click on any post type in WordPress. For example, click on Posts and this will display a table listing all of the posts (or perhaps the latest 20) that you have created in WordPress. In this tutorial, we…