Preview of Restrict Content Pro

It’s been a really long time in the making, and even longer in the warehouse that is my plugin development list, but Restrict Content Pro is nearly here. This is the premium version of my Restrict Content plugin that was released nearly a year and half ago, which now has nearly 7,000 downloads and a…

WordPress Page builder plugins: a critical review

Page builders are everywhere and new ones are popping up every month. I have always had a strong dislike for page builder plugins as they frequently cause compatibility problems with other plugins. To ensure I wasn’t unjustly biased, I decided to review as many page builders as I could manage to determine if they are really all that bad.

Restrict Content Pro version 2.1 released

Restrict Content Pro version 2.1 has been in development for more than six months and finally, today, I am thrilled to announce that it has been released. This is a major release that introduces some very significant improvements and several major feature changes. The biggest change with 2.1 is the inclusion of the Stripe, PayPal Express, and PayPal Pro payment gateways in core. These gateways were previously only available as add-ons but are now included with the main plugin at no additional charge.

WordPress Rewrite API – Part 1

The Rewrite API for WordPress is one of the most overlooked features, yet it provides some unparalleled functionality that drastically improves user experience. This tutorial aims to help you understand how the WordPress URL Rewrite engine works and the different uses of this API. This entry is part 1 of 3 in the WordPress Rewrite…

Poll: What Benefits Would You Like with Your Subscription

The premium subscription option for Pippin’s will be made available sometime around Christmas. While the system is in the works, I’d love to get feedback from all of you on the kind of benefits you’d like to receive. The premium service will function very similar to the current members-only sections, except it will be…

Posts By Taxonomy Widget Plugin – Free

This plugin will provide a widget that allows you to display a list of terms from any custom (or built-in) taxonomy with a list of recent posts filed in each term. The terms are displayed in a list with each term’s posts shown in a nested list.

Custom Post Type Calendar Widget

The other day a user posted a question on the WordPress Stack Exchange about how to display a calendar of your site’s custom post types, much like the default WP Calendar widget. After a quick google search, I found a function written by Jennifer Dodd that did exactly this. The user who asked the question…

Looking for Development Help with Easy Digital Downloads

Easy Digital Downloads, which is my take on an eCommerce plugin for selling digital products, has been growing rapidly over the last couple of months. In just over three months, it has passed 11.4 thousand downloads and has grown from just 24 downloads per day to nearly 200 per day. Due to this growth, and…

Help Scout documentation search with Gravity Forms

Gravity Forms is a tremendously powerful plugin for WordPress and Help Scout is an awesome customer support system that also provides a service for handling documentation. What they miss, however, is a direct connection that allows site owners to provide customers with a way to search the Help Scout documentation before they can submit a support ticket submission form.

bbPress – Canned Replies

I manage all of my plugin support through bbPress. With dozens of replies posted to tickets every single day, one of the biggest bottle necks is writing out each reply. This free extension for bbPress allows you to create canned replies that you can quickly insert when replying to forum posts.

Review: Ninja Forms Plugin

Ninja Forms is a free WordPress plugin for creating forms; contact forms, email collection forms, surveys, and any other kind of form your website needs. With its really simple, intuitive, drag-and-drop interface, Ninja Forms is an excellent, and highly powerful, tool for building forms inside of your WordPress admin. This video review of the plugin…

Restrict Content Pro – Download Monitor Bridge

This is a free extension for Restrict Content ProΒ that creates a bridge between RCP and Download Monitor, the terrific plugin from Mike Jolley for managing file downloads on your site. With this extension, you can set files to only be downloadable by users that have a paid subscription to your WordPress site through Restrict Content…

Rebuilding a dying product

Four and a half years ago, I released Restrict Content Pro on Code It was not my first big plugin, nor even the second, but it was the first one that I developed a more intimate relationship with. I heavily relied on the plugin for my own site and thus had a greater commitment to it than the large plugins that came before. For the first two years, the plugin thrived. I updated it constantly and continued to push it further and further. In 2014, however, I began to lose touch with the plugin as my other two big projects, Easy Digital Downloads and AffiliateWP, dominated more and more of my time.

I continued to let Restrict Content Pro dwindle for nearly two years before making a decision. I had several options. I could let it die a slow, drawn out death, I could sell it, or I could work to bring it back to life and let it kick ass again.