Creating a Pricing Page with Restrict Content Pro

One of the most common questions I get about Restrict Content Pro is “how can I create a pricing page with a pricing table of my subscription options?“. There are numerous ways to do it and in this quick video tutorial I’m going to show you one of the simplest. We will use a free pricing…

Shortcodes 101 – Shortcode Attributes

In the Basics of the Shortcode API, we briefly covered shortcode attributes and the shortcode_atts() function. Now it is time to dive deep into setting up attributes for shortcodes and learn a few tricks can that be exceptionally helpful when building shortcodes in your plugins or when modifying the shortcodes of other plugins.

Shortcodes 101 – The Basics of the Shortcode API

Shortcodes are one of the most ubiquitous features used throughout thousands upon thousands of plugins. If a plugin does anything more than very basic or specific tasks, it is likely that it uses one or more shortcodes as a means for the user to apply the functionality of the plugin to their site. Gallery plugins…

Determine if a script has been enqueued or registered

WordPress provides a nice, simple API for loading scripts in plugins and themes. We use the wp_enqueue_script() and wp_register_script() to instruct WordPress to load the scripts we need, and it works exceptionally well. Sometimes, however, we don’t need to just load a script, but instead we need to detect if a specific script has been…