WordPress Page builder plugins: a critical review

Page builders are everywhere and new ones are popping up every month. I have always had a strong dislike for page builder plugins as they frequently cause compatibility problems with other plugins. To ensure I wasn’t unjustly biased, I decided to review as many page builders as I could manage to determine if they are really all that bad.

Review: Google Maps Builder

Google Maps Builder Pro from WordImpress is an excellent plugin that lets you easily buildy advanced (or simple) Google Maps. The superb flexibility and control it includes is awe inspiring. Checkout my in-depth video review for more.

Review: Related Posts for WordPress

Related content plugins are hard to build, often resource intensive, and overall, just not very great a lot of the time. Related Posts for WordPress from Barry Kooij is an exception to that, however. His plugin for displaying related content for your posts, pages, and any other custom post type, is really top notch. 

Review: Post Promoter Pro

Post Promoter Pro is a plugin that helps you boost your readership and visibility by scheduling automatic posts to Twitter anytime you publish a post. I have been using Post Promoter Pro very successfully for the last several weeks and would like to demonstrate it to you now.

Review: FacetWP

FacetWP is an advanced filtering and search plugin that allows you to create faceted search and filter options. The plugin is written by Matt Gibbs and is down right stellar. I gave it a quick run for this review and was very pleased with what I found. In Matt’s own words: Facets are interactive elements…

Review: Custom Emails plugin from Dev7studios

Custom Emails is a plugin from Dev7studios that modifies the default emails sent through WordPress and applies a simple, clean HTML templates to them. I love the idea of the plugin, especially being someone that has built HTML emails in WordPress for several plugins, and so decided to take it for a quick trial run.

Review: Easy Image Gallery

Even with the major improvements made in WordPress 3.6, the default gallery functionality in WordPress core can be lackluster or troublesome for less technical users. Easy Image Gallery is a plugin from Andrew Munro that does a superb job of providing a better gallery feature.

Review: SearchWP

SearchWP is a relatively new plugin from Jonathan Christopher that claims to be “The Best WordPress Search Plugin You Can Find”. In this video review I walk through the plugin and demonstrate how it works and just what it can do for your WordPress search.

Plugin Review: Reaktiv Ratings

Reaktiv Ratings is a brand new star rating plugin from Reaktiv Studios that is really, really excellent. I’ve always felt there was a pretty heavy lack of good ratings plugins for WordPress. They have always been either too simple or way too complex, but Reaktiv Ratings has nailed the plugin perfectly.

Plugin Review: SubPosts

Post Connector (Formerly SubPosts) is a really slick plugin for creating relationships, or “links”, between post types. The plugin let’s you easily create links between post types and then connect individual items within a post type to items within another post type. It’s great for creating links between products and documentation, products and blog posts,…

Review: Ninja Forms Plugin

Ninja Forms is a free WordPress plugin for creating forms; contact forms, email collection forms, surveys, and any other kind of form your website needs. With its really simple, intuitive, drag-and-drop interface, Ninja Forms is an excellent, and highly powerful, tool for building forms inside of your WordPress admin. This video review of the plugin…

Review: WP Audio

In today’s review, we’re taking a quick look at the WP Audio plugin that was just released by Tom McFarlin. It is a simple plugin that lets you add a responsive audio player to the bottom of your posts.

Review: MyMail Email Newsletter Plugin

MyMail  is an email newsletter plugin written by revaxarts that provides you a complete system for creating newsletters, collecting subscribers, building campaigns, and more from within your WordPress Dashboard. It is a fully featured email newsletter plugin, including autoresponders, that gives you the power of a system like Mail Chimp, except without a subscription and it’s…

Review: Closed Beta WordPress Plugin

Closed Beta is a WordPress plugin that makes it really simple and straight forward to allow beta access to your website. With the plugin, you can restrict access to the site to only approved users, let users request access, moderate beta access requests, and show a really nice splash page to non-approved users.