Review: Fanciest Author Box

The Fanciest Author Box plugin is a nice and simple, yet powerful, way to display author’s personal information at the top or bottom of WordPress posts. It’s a great addition to just about any multi-author blog. I was asked to review the plugin by the developers, and after doing so was very pleased. In the…

Jobs Posting with Easy Content Types and Gravity Forms

There are several plugins and “app” themes available for job board / job posting websites, but what if you want to roll your own? A lot of people would go about thinking that building such as system would be extremely complex and expensive, and some of the time they would be right. However, if we…

Win a Copy of Restrict Content Pro via Twitter

In an effort to continually boost the exposure of my latest WordPress plugin, Restrict Content Pro, I’m going to give away three free copies of the plugin to my Twitter followers. If you’re not familiar with it, Restrict Content Pro is my premium content plugin that allows you to easily transform your WordPress website into…

Registering Custom Meta Field Types for Easy Content Types

Easy Content Types is a very powerful plugin that makes it really easy to setup custom post types, taxonomies, and meta boxes. One of great but lesser known features of the plugin is that it has an API built in to allow users to register their own custom meta field types that can be used…

Better Recent Comments Widget Pro

This plugin provides an advanced widget that allows you to display your latest comments in any widgetized sidebar. It includes the abilities to display author gravatars, post titles, comment excerpts, human readable time formats, and more.

Sustainable Business Models

Today WooThemes announced a major pricing change, and I back them 100%. There are aspects of the change that I don’t fully agree with, but I’m not privy to the numbers or other weighty factors that played into their decision, so it is not for me to begrudge them. I, too, recently underwent a pricing…

Introduction to WordPress Plugin Development 101

I’m beginning a new tutorial series on WordPress Plugin Development 101. It will start at the very beginning and look at the fundamentals of plugin development in WordPress. This is a quick video post Video (embed is broken) The series will cover the following topics: What makes a plugin What can/should be a plugin…

Stripe Integration Part 8 – Working with Invoices

The Stripe invoice system allows us to easily add charges to our existing customers subscriptions, such as one time sign up fees, extra monthly charges for new features, or anything else. Just like every other feature in the Stripe API, it’s extremely simple to use, and in this part of the Stripe Integration tutorial series…