The art of criticism

Generally speaking, we are all really good at saying “this sucks”, “that needs work”, “this is old and outdated”, but, collectively speaking, we are not very good at actually providing meaningful criticism. Everyone that works in software development, design, and implementation has personal opinions about what they love and don’t love about the software they…

Getting good at support

Support is hard, really hard, and it’s not something that most people are naturally good at. In fact, I’d say a very, very small minority are even remotely good at it without a lot of practice. That number might even be zero. Being able to provide high quality tech support AND also being able to…

Speaking at PressNomics 2013

I am thrilled and honored to announce that I will be speaking at PressNomics, the conference for those that power the WordPress Economy, later this month in Phoenix, Arizona. This is the second year for PressNomics to take place and if the event is even half as good as it was last year, it will…

Getting Better at Saying No

I will be the first to admit that I used to have a serious problem, one that still plagues me even as I write this. The problem is learning how to say “no” more, even when I’m really, really tempted to say “yes”. To those that have never experienced this problem, or have never realized…

Review: SearchWP

SearchWP is a relatively new plugin from Jonathan Christopher that claims to be “The Best WordPress Search Plugin You Can Find”. In this video review I walk through the plugin and demonstrate how it works and just what it can do for your WordPress search.

Sustainable Business Models

Today WooThemes announced a major pricing change, and I back them 100%. There are aspects of the change that I don’t fully agree with, but I’m not privy to the numbers or other weighty factors that played into their decision, so it is not for me to begrudge them. I, too, recently underwent a pricing…

Plugin Review: Reaktiv Ratings

Reaktiv Ratings is a brand new star rating plugin from Reaktiv Studios that is really, really excellent. I’ve always felt there was a pretty heavy lack of good ratings plugins for WordPress. They have always been either too simple or way too complex, but Reaktiv Ratings has nailed the plugin perfectly.

Investing in Myself

Late Sunday night my brother told me to take a personal day and spend some time doing whatever I wanted to; perhaps spend some time in my workshop, or work on setting up my basement entertainment center, or maybe go hiking or biking. My response to him was simply: I have way too much to…

Plugin Review: SubPosts

Post Connector (Formerly SubPosts) is a really slick plugin for creating relationships, or “links”, between post types. The plugin let’s you easily create links between post types and then connect individual items within a post type to items within another post type. It’s great for creating links between products and documentation, products and blog posts,…

Please Consider Not Using Curly Brackets {} in Template Files

The vast majority of developers will cringe a bit when they hear the recommendation against using curly brackets, {}, but I believe very strongly that when writing template files, in both themes and plugins, you should strictly avoid using brackets. The reason being that template files should be written for clarity, both for developers and…