WordPress Page builder plugins: a critical review

Page builders are everywhere and new ones are popping up every month. I have always had a strong dislike for page builder plugins as they frequently cause compatibility problems with other plugins. To ensure I wasn’t unjustly biased, I decided to review as many page builders as I could manage to determine if they are really all that bad.

Help Scout documentation search with Gravity Forms

Gravity Forms is a tremendously powerful plugin for WordPress and Help Scout is an awesome customer support system that also provides a service for handling documentation. What they miss, however, is a direct connection that allows site owners to provide customers with a way to search the Help Scout documentation before they can submit a support ticket submission form.

Using wp_remote_get() to parse JSON from remote APIs

WordPress includes an exceptionally useful API called the HTTP API that can be used for sending data to and retrieving data from remote APIs. If you are building a plugin that talks to Stripe, MailChimp, or just about any other service that provides an API, you can use the WP HTTP API to make your job significantly easier. For this tutorial,Β I’m going to show you how to use wp_remote_get(), one of the several functions included in the HTTP API, to retrieve and parse JSON data from a remote API.

Adding Custom User Fields to Restrict Content Pro

It is very common for users of Restrict Content Pro to want to add custom fields to the registration and profile forms so that members can enter and store additional information, perhaps for their location, profession, or personal interests (or anything else). I have shown how to add these kind of fields before, but the…

Why Extensions?

I believe firmly in the extensions model when it comes to large plugins, in the same way that I firmly stand behind the idea that the best way to implement major functional features in themes is through the use of plugins. In general this model is pretty well accepted, but occasionally there are users that…

How to Leave a Good Bad Review

If you have ever released a plugin or theme for public use, it is very likely that you have received negative feedback from users. Regardless of how high quality your theme or plugin, there are always users that will dislike it for some reason or other, perhaps it’s because of a conflict with another plugin…

Encouraging Community Collaboration and Development

A topic that has intrigued me a lot over the last few months is how to build up a strong community of contributors to projects. When we write plugins or themes for WordPress, we release them under the GPL license (at least the code), which makes it so any one can contribute back to the…

How I Built the Settings System for Easy Digital Downloads

The settings system that I built for Easy Digital Downloads is something I was very happy with once finished, especially because it is very extensible, and very easy to integrate with by other developers. I decided to record an overview video that walks through how the system works.

Jobs Posting with Easy Content Types and Gravity Forms

There are several plugins and “app” themes available for job board / job posting websites, but what if you want to roll your own? A lot of people would go about thinking that building such as system would be extremely complex and expensive, and some of the time they would be right. However, if we…

User Bookmarks for WordPress

User Bookmarks for WordPress is a complete bookmarking system that gives your users a way to save their favorite posts to their own personal bookmarks list. The plugin is fully ajaxed for a nice, smooth user experience.