Quick Introduction to Action Hooks

Action hooks are used in WordPress to perform functions, or “actions”. They are used throughout many plugins and themes to provide an easy way for users of the theme or plugin to modify the output or the way it functions. This quick tutorial will give you a good introduction into how action hooks work.

A Call for Guest Plugin Tutorial Authors

In a continuous effort to provide more and more quality content, especially since the launch of the site’s premium memberships, I am now officially searching for guest tutorial authors. If you would like to contribute to the site, please read on.

Registering Custom Meta Field Types for Easy Content Types

Easy Content Types is a very powerful plugin that makes it really easy to setup custom post types, taxonomies, and meta boxes. One of great but lesser known features of the plugin is that it has an API built in to allow users to register their own custom meta field types that can be used…

Review: Cudazi Scroll to Top

Cudazi, a very popular Theme Forest author who also dabbles in plugins, released a sweet little plugin today called Cudazi Scroll to Top. It adds a nice smooth scroll-to-top button to your WordPress site. The plugin is very, very simple, but excellent executed.

User Submitted Image Gallery – Part 3

In part three of the User Submitted Image Galleries series, we’re going to look at automatically creating our “guest” user account, and process the image uploads from the submission form. This is where our plugin really begins to take shape. After this section, we will get into actually displaying our images on the “gallery” page.…

WP e-Commerce Earnings Graphs

WP e-Commerce is a very popular and powerful e-commerce plugin for WordPress. This is a little add-on that I’ve created for WP e-Commerce that allows you to view graphs of your monthly earnings from sales.

Introduction to Using Nonces for Form Validation

Nonces are used to add an extra layer of security to WordPress. They are typically used when submitting form data to ensure that the form is being submitted from where it’s supposed to. Nonce fields help us protect our forms from malicious attacks and non-authorized submissions. This tutorial will introduce you to using nonces in…

Using Filters to Alter HTML Output

Filter hooks in WordPress provide a very powerful way to “alter” the output of functions. Using filters we can easily add extra HTML to some functions, and strip HTML from other functions. Some filters, such as the “body_class” filter, allow us to modify the class names of an HTML element, and some filters have nothing…

User Submitted Gallery Images – Part 2

In this part of the User Submitted Image Galleries series we will look at setting up our custom image sizes and also the image submission form. In the previous part we registered out custom post types and taxonomies, and setup the basic structure of the plugin. This entry is part 2 of 9 in the…

A Quick Introduction to Using Filters

Filter hooks are one of the the more powerful WordPress features that help to provide a huge amount of flexibility when it comes to modifying WordPress, including custom themes and plugins. There could easily be hundreds of different unique tutorials on how to use filters in themes and plugins, simply because of the huge array of…

What Topics Would You Like Covered More?

As this site expands, it is going to become more and more important for me to produce tutorials on the topics that you all, the readers, want to read about. Especially since the subscriptions were launched, I really want to get your input on the topics that you would like me to cover more.