This plugin is an add-on for Restrict Content Pro, a complete subscription and premium content manager plugin for WordPress.
Once activated, this plugin will provide a new menu item under the Restrict menu called “CSV Import”.
In order to import correctly, you must preformat your CSV to match the requirements of the plugin. You CSV should have the following columns:
user_email, first_name, last_name, user_login
A sample CSV is included in the plugin’s folder that you can use for reference.
The user’s email address is the only column that requires a value. If user_login is left blank, the user’s email address will be used for their login name.
When importing, every user has their password auto generated, so each user will need to go through the recover a lost password process.
Note: this plugin should be able to handle the importation of a few thousands users at a time, but if you have more than 5,000 (or if you are having problems with server timeouts), you will want to consider creating a custom shell script to import the users in batches.
Download for Free
Is there a way to send the users their new password instead of going through the lost password process?
No, sorry.
Hi Pippin,
I’m getting the following error messages when I try to do an existing members import:
Warning: array_combine() [function.array-combine]: Both parameters should have an equal number of elements in /home/content/s/h/o/shoels7640/html/ncro-info/wp-content/plugins/restrict-content-pro-csv-user-import/rcp-user-import.php on line 181
Warning: array_combine() [function.array-combine]: Both parameters should have an equal number of elements in /home/content/s/h/o/shoels7640/html/ncro-info/wp-content/plugins/restrict-content-pro-csv-user-import/rcp-user-import.php on line 181
Warning: array_combine() [function.array-combine]: Both parameters should have an equal number of elements in /home/content/s/h/o/shoels7640/html/ncro-info/wp-content/plugins/restrict-content-pro-csv-user-import/rcp-user-import.php on line 181
Warning: array_combine() [function.array-combine]: Both parameters should have an equal number of elements in /home/content/s/h/o/shoels7640/html/ncro-info/wp-content/plugins/restrict-content-pro-csv-user-import/rcp-user-import.php on line 181
Warning: array_combine() [function.array-combine]: Both parameters should have an equal number of elements in /home/content/s/h/o/shoels7640/html/ncro-info/wp-content/plugins/restrict-content-pro-csv-user-import/rcp-user-import.php on line 181
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/content/s/h/o/shoels7640/html/ncro-info/wp-content/plugins/restrict-content-pro-csv-user-import/rcp-user-import.php:181) in /home/content/s/h/o/shoels7640/html/ncro-info/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 876
I’ve formatted the csv exactly as the example.csv file in your pluggin package. Why am I getting these error messages?
Hello again,
Here’s a bit more information regarding the problem I’m having with the csv import pluggin. A few of the members that were contained in the csv import did populate in the database, however not accurately in the appropriate fields. In some cases the email address was partially removed, in some of them, the last name was prepended to the beginning of the email address, etc. To sum it up, the information was scrambled during the upload.
Also, my profile was the only addition to the wp_usermeta table for each entry in the csv spreadsheet, thus when I clicked ‘Members’ in the Restrict menu, I was the only member duplicated hundreds of times. Therefore I had to go into the database and run the SQL command to delete all of the duplicate entries for my user profile.
I purchased your Restrict Content Pro pluggin for an existing member based site that has thousands of existing subscribers. Therefore I would like to work with you to solve this problem asap.
Can you send me the CSV?
Yes, please send me your email address.
Thanks for the quick response! Have a great weekend.
Hi Pippin,
Now I’m getting the csv import success message, however non of the members in the csv import are showing up in the admin interface or in the database.
Here are the troubleshooting steps that I’ve taken so far:
deactivated rcp, rcp-bbpress, and rcp-csv-user-import
reinstalled each of them and reactivated
checked the server log files
contacted the hosting company to see if there are any red flags that are preventing the import
Send me the CSV and then I can help you further: pippin(at)pippinsplugins(dot)com
Got it, thanks.
Can you update the delimiter in the CSV to a semi colon “;”, and then try it again?
This suggestion didn’t work. I’m getting the same success message, but none of the data is actually inserted into the database.
I am having a similar issue. I receive a success message “All users have been imported.” when I did a test import of just 2 existing users (but wanted to add a membership subscription to the existing user). But when I check the members they are not listed there. My CSV is formatted as your sample is, I used a comma as the delimiter first then I also tried the semi colon but neither worked.
I am running WordPress 3.5.1 and Restrict Content Pro – CSV User Import 1.0, and Restrict Content Pro Version 1.5.6.
On a side note, I also had an issue when I imported a list it created 30 entries with my admin information. Then, when I delete one, it deletes all of me. But this is a separate issue than what I mentioned above.
Could you show me a sample row from your CSV?
These issues haven’t been resolved, so I had to disable the import pluggin until the problems are sorted out.
Could I get you to open a ticket for me in the forums? I’ll be happy to help you and continue investigating the issue. These comments just aren’t designed for adequate support.
Hi Pippin,
Is it possible for the new user to receive an email with their login details upon uploading the CSV using the options set in the ‘Emails’ section of the RCP settings..?
No, sorry.
Works well for me, thank you! I used to have import problems before, but found that line breaks were set for macintosh, changing to linux style line breaks did the trick.
Any way I can set all the new members as automatic renewal, or do I need to do that part manually, once they are imported?
They cannot be set as automatic renewal, sorry. The only way to do that is for the individual members to each renew their account once their imported expiration date is reached.
Plugin not importing users even when the separating character is changed to a semi-colon…
Can you send me a copy of your CSV?
Hi Pippin
I’m getting a success notification, however no users are added to the member/user database inside RCP.
KInd Regards
Can you show me a copy of your CSV file?