Gravity Forms is undisputedly the most powerful forms plugin for WordPress, and Easy Digital Downloads is (in my opinion) one of the best ways to sell digital products through WordPress, so what could be better than integrating the two plugins and leveraging the awesome power and control that they bring as a team? Not much to be honest.
A few weeks ago, a new extension was released for Easy Digital Downloads called Gravity Forms Checkout. It allows you to create purchase forms for EDD products through Gravity Forms. What exactly does that mean? Well, simply, it means that customers can purchase items from your store by filling out a form created in Gravity Forms.
Aside from just sounding like a cool integration, this opens up the door to some tremendously powerful options.
This allows you to embed purchase forms for products on any page of your website and lets you completely bypass the standard EDD checkout process.
This allows you to leverage the magnificent power of the Gravity Forms conditional fields to automatically adjust the price of the purchase based on what the customer enters in the form.
This allows you collect any information you need from the customer by simply adding the necessary fields to the form.
This allows you to setup custom email notifications to site admins and customers based on what is purchased (or entered in the form) by using the Gravity Forms notifications system.
This allows you to create multi-page purchase forms.
This allows you limit the number of times an item can be purchased, or limit when it can be purchased.
This allows you to use all features of Gravity Forms to create the perfect purchase form for your products while still leveraging the reporting power and file delivery of Easy Digital Downloads.
Here’s a demonstration video that shows off a quick example of how the integration works:
If you have ever needed any of these options with Easy Digital Downloads, then Gravity Forms Checkout will become your newest best friend.
I love this. Just saw this while looking at the add-ons.
This should go a long way to allowing nonprofits to do user-entered donations and multiple donation levels as well.
Nice work. Can’t wait to try it.
thanks for this pippin!
I really like this a lot! I had one question though: when you say folks can purchase on te product page, I think of’s “one click” or a “buy now” functionality. Another would be iTunes Store having the user’s payment info and all one does to purchase is select the item & input password. Are you saying this type of functionality is possible with this? I’d love to see how that is accomplished! The friction would be greatly decreased after the customer registers. I also see how integrating this with Stripe could work well as they tokenize payments so you don’t house the card info’ on your servers, thereby helping with PCI compliance.
Am I off base on any of this? Nonetheless, great job Pippin!
Not quite. Unlike Amazon where the customer has stored credit card details, so all they need to do is login, this will show a credit card form (or send the user to PayPal) directly on the product page that they can fill out.
Gotcha. So they’d still fill out the card form field, so it is like an ‘express checkout’ for each item. This doesn’t decrease ‘friction’ for a customer-browsing use case, but for the person who sees what they want and wants to purchase it right there, it is ideal.
Still, this is a great integration. Thanks!
That’s correct.
thanks for the info, Gravity forms have lot of addons, all addons work with most themes, but for those who are using genesis frame work, once contact studiopress before purchasing
How do we redirect to the confirmation page with having the key set properly? It seems like the EDD order key is not a query string parameter.
At this time the Gravity Forms Checkout extension does not support that. It’s on the todo list though!
Pippin, I’ve bought this add-on. And would like to make the checkout form that I’ve made with Gravity Forms to be the default one for all products found in the site. Because I am using the Front End Submissions extension too. So that when a buyer adds any item to cart and goes to checkout page he sees that form. Is that something possible?
Sorry for not seeing your comment earlier! I had some issues with Akismet automatically trashing a bunch of comments.
At this time, no, that’s not supported, sorry.
An interesting plugin and quite good. Recently found on the Internet its alternative to stepFORM, which, incidentally, is also a good plugin.