1. Justin

    Hi, Really loving this, i’ve been looking for something like this for ages!

    Is there anyway to easily add a “Forgotten Password” link? or have the form change to enter the username/email account?


    • pippin

      That is not difficult to do. Take a look at this tutorial.

  2. Arvs

    Hi Pippin, I’ve been searching this feature for nearly months now, and I am so lucky to have stumbled upon your site. What I was looking for was actually to a code or much better if there’s a plugin wherein I can use the $_POST in PHP to get the WordPress user_login and user_pass user entry so I won’t have to make a separate login to access my own PHP script that I embed in WordPress that requires my users to login to be able to view their scores for example. Is there such way to do this? I would appreciate if you can lead me to the right track. Thanks.

    • pippin

      @Arvs – The only way I have found to do this so far is to add a line to the wp-login.php file that stores the $_POST[‘pwd’] in a $_SESSION variable. However, this is really not a good idea for two reasons: 1. it’s not a good idea to store the unencrypted password in a session variable, and 2. It’s never a good idea to modify WP core files.

  3. Arvs

    Hi Pippin, thanks, at least I know now the pros and cons of modifying the wp-login.php file. Thanks, I am on the right track now. 🙂

  4. johnny perez

    hey thanks. You saved me a lot of time! Keep up the great work! Johnny Perez.

  5. Richard London

    Can a shortcode be created for the registration form as well, for multisite?

    Your site is really useful!, already bought a couple of your plugins!


    Thanks for the code and the short plugin version have made it even handy… thanks again.

  7. Vince

    Nice Plugin. I am sure it is doing what it is supposed to but I have an issue I cannot get beyond.

    I used Wishlist Member which redirects every front-end login to a static page. I was hoping this plugin would allow me to embed the login in a partially protected post (where non-members cannot see the rest of the post until they login) and set the post link as the redirect. I can set all of that and the login displays in the post, but when I login using it, the site still takes me back to the home page–which is the default in Wishlist Member.

    While I realize it is ‘their’ problem, I am wondering if you have any idea on how to get around this–my understanding is they encrypt their PHP so others online state there is no way to change their code.

    Thanks in advance.

    • Pippin

      Does it work if you set the redirect parameter of the short code?

  8. Vince

    I set it like this (–loginform redirect=”http://my-redirect-url.com”–) and it did not work for me. Again, I think my Wishlist has hijacked all logins, but thought your re-direction might be a workaround.

  9. Jon

    Hi – I’ve been looking for this for a while – thanks so much for posting!!!

    Two questions that came up as I added the code:
    1. If a user is already logged in, is there a way to display some text that will only show up when they’re logged in? i.e. a link to the redirect page set in the shortcode

    2. is there an easy way to display a ‘logout’ link on a page?


    • Pippin

      1. You can use the function is_user_logged_in() to check if a user is logged in or not. Something like this:

      if(is_user_logged_in()) { echo 'this is displayed to logged in users'; }

      2. WordPress has a function to show the logout URL:

      <a href="<?php echo wp_logout_url(); ? rel="nofollow">">Log out</a>
    • Kelsey

      Hi !

      Where so I add the code below to your plugin??


    • Kelsey


      Where do I add the code above to the plugin?


    • Pippin

      You could add it just above the return $form;

  10. Jon

    Great – thanks so much for your help! I think I’m very close to having this do everything I wanted. I really appreciate you posting the code and responding so quickly…

    One other question – if a wrong username/password is entered on the custom login page, it redirects to the standard WP login page. How can I keep the user on the same custom page and display something like ‘wrong username or password’?


    • Pippin

      There is a hook we can use to redirect to a specified page when there is a failed login.

      function pippin_login_fail( $username ) {
           $referrer = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];  // where did the post submission come from?
           // if there's a valid referrer, and it's not the default log-in screen
           if ( !empty($referrer) && !strstr($referrer,'wp-login') && !strstr($referrer,'wp-admin') ) {
      		wp_redirect('http://yoursite.com/login?attempt=failed'); exit;
      add_action( 'wp_login_failed', 'pippin_login_fail' );  // hook failed login

      This will cause the user to be redirected back to your /login page with a query variable of “attempt=failed”. You can then use the query variable to display a “Failed to login” message.

  11. Rob Booker

    You are awesome. I appreciate that you took the time to build this and explain it.

    • Pippin

      You’re welcome!

  12. Martis78

    For logout redirect Try code


    And dont forget move extract function outside of IF

  13. JJHerman

    I’m sorry, but where are we supposed to place this code/file?

    • Pippin

      You can place it in your theme’s functions.php.

  14. Bryan

    Hi Pippin,

    Thank you for this awesome plugin. I’m having some trouble getting the form to re-direct after logging in though. For some reason, it keeps bringing the users to the dashboard instead of back to the page they’re trying to access.

    I’ve copied and pasted the plugin line-for-line into my functions file. Do you have any suggestions?

    Thanks in advance.

    • Pippin

      Did you add the redirect parameter?

  15. Menard

    Hi sir,

    Is there a way to embed Captcha [SI Captcha Anti-Spam] for this plugin


    • Pippin

      Not without modifying the plugin.

    • Menard

      how can I do it sir?

    • Pippin

      Are you comfortable with custom PHP?

    • Menard

      I have a knowledge in PHP. can you guide me on how can i embed Captcha in login form using your plugins?


    • Pippin

      Oh, I just realized you were asking about the specific SI Captcha. Sorry, I do not know about that.

      I have done reCaptcha integration. Interested in that one?

    • Menard

      sure, as long as it ontegrates with the login form.


    • Menard


      I tried to modify my wp-login.php code and integrate the codes from google’s reCaptcha docs

      but it doesnt appear the captcha validation..

      am I doing it on the right track?


    • Pippin

      Do not modify wp-login.php. You should only modify the plugin file itself.

    • Menard

      how? 😀

    • Pippin

      I can’t give you step by step instructions (that’d be a full tutorial), but if you show me what you have tried, I can tell you if you are on the right path.

  16. Filt

    Awesome, dude. But here comes the million-buck question: how do you keep the user on the same page if the login fails? I don’t want to bring forth the awful WordPress login page, which defeats the whole purpose. Would it be possible execute the whole login process without ever seeing the ‘wp-login.php’ screen, and displaying the errors (‘wrong password, empty fields, etc) right there and then? Thanks, and good luck.

  17. Filt

    Sorry, dude. My bad for not reading ALL the comments… Feel free to delete, and thanks once more.

  18. Filt

    Okay, third time’s the charm. 🙂 I have absolutely no idea how to implement the (vague) solution you suggested to Jon, so I guess my first reply is still valid: How to manage the whole login from the shortcode, without ever going to wp-login.php? Regards.

    • Pippin

      Take the code snippet I gave to Jon and paste it into the bottom of the plugin file (of this plugin). That’s all you need to do.

  19. B£achy

    I love you for this. 🙂

  20. PJ

    thanks for this amazing…but what happened to logout?

    • Pippin

      I’d suggest using the admin tool bar. When a user is logged-in, there will be a logout link in the menu in the top right.

  21. jaypee

    i simply love this plugin. thanks a lot bro..

  22. Nora McDougall-Collins

    Nice little plugin! I intend to show it to my WordPress programming students as a model. However, I have noticed one little glitch.

    The situation is that we have a certain login form for speakers to use to upload their presentation materials to the media library. When I use the plugin, it always redirects to the main dashboard instead of the media library address I added in the redirect. I have tried it with the fully qualified domain name in the shortcode and without it.

    I have noticed that other people have had a problem with using the redirect parameter with wp_login_form()

    • Pippin

      Can you show me an example?

    • Pippin

      Can you give me a sample user login and password to test?

    • Nora McDougall-Collins

      My client has OK’d it, but how do I send it to you without putting it in a public forum?

    • Pippin

      Use my contact page.

  23. Phil Johnson

    I have installed and activated your plugin. What code do I need to insert into the page to get it to work?

    • Pippin

      Just [login_form]

  24. Irfan

    I have installed your plugin and activated it. When i enter [login_form] into my page it just shows the shortcode itself instead of login form. Can you please correct me where i am making mistake?

    • Pippin

      Where did you put it?

  25. stuart

    Hi this is just what I need, have been messing around for ages. I am just having problems adding in the logout code. I can add the text message. but when I try and add the line
    <a href="”>Log out underneath it and before the return $form; i get a server error indicating that line. I am probably leaving out some syntax perhaps you could tell me what.
    thanks Stu

    • Pippin

      What’s the exact error?

  26. stuart

    Hi, I don’t want to recreate the error because I am doing this on a live site and it crashed the site with something about unrecognised function??(maybe)
    If I show you what I used as far as the code then it will probably stand out a mile that i forgot something.
    //pippins version which includes logout
    function pippin_login_form_shortcode( $atts, $content = null ) {

    extract( shortcode_atts( array(
    ‘redirect’ => ”
    ), $atts ) );

    if (!is_user_logged_in()) {
    if($redirect) {
    $redirect_url = $redirect;
    } else {
    $redirect_url = get_permalink();
    $form = wp_login_form(array(‘echo’ => false, ‘redirect’ => $redirect_url ));
    if(is_user_logged_in()) { echo ‘this is displayed to logged in users’; }
    <a href="”>Log out
    return $form;
    add_shortcode(‘loginform’, ‘pippin_login_form_shortcode’);


  27. stu


    September 25, 2013 at 11:12 pm

    Sorry It wasn’t like that, the line below the message to logged in users was as your code,

    //pippins version which includes logout
    function pippin_login_form_shortcode( $atts, $content = null ) {

    extract( shortcode_atts( array(
    ‘redirect’ => ”
    ), $atts ) );

    if (!is_user_logged_in()) {
    if($redirect) {
    $redirect_url = $redirect;
    } else {
    $redirect_url = get_permalink();
    $form = wp_login_form(array(‘echo’ => false, ‘redirect’ => $redirect_url ));
    if(is_user_logged_in()) { echo ‘this is displayed to logged in users’; }
    <a href="”>Log out
    return $form;
    add_shortcode(‘loginform’, ‘pippin_login_form_shortcode’);


  28. Vincent

    I want to modify the “Username”, “Password” and “remeber me” labels…how can I do that?
    thank you

  29. de Alwis


    Thank you very much for this plugin. I see lot of people have benifited. I have installed and activated the plugin. I have few issues.

    1) I have 2 pages “Login” & “Register” in my main navigation which I want only to display to visitors who are not logged in and how do I do thta.

    2) I have added the [login_form] shortcode to my login page but it only shows the shortcode without the login page.

    3) If you know how I could do the above please let me know where I should insert the codes ? is it in function.php?

    • Pippin

      1). Check out the Nav Menu Roles plugin.

      2). Show me a live URL.

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