I am thrilled and honored to announce that I will be speaking at PressNomics, the conference for those that power the WordPress Economy, later this month in Phoenix, Arizona. This is the second year for PressNomics to take place and if the event is even half as good as it was last year, it will be spectacular.
I will be participating in a panel discussion about Commercialization in the WordPress Ecosystem along side two of the most respected WordPress business owners: Cory Miller of iThemes and Carl Hancock of RocketGenius. The panel will be lead by another widely known and respected WordPress business owner, Tony Perez of Sucuri.
Getting the opportunity to stand up next to these three and discuss something I’m extremely passionate about is a huge honor.
Here is a quick summary of our panel discussion:
A panel of business / technical professionals have been compiled across the various business domains in the WordPress Ecosystem. They include those focused in areas like projects, plugins, themes and service based solutions. Each have addressed and continue to address the various daily challenges that comes with commercializing their products / services. In this panel we will dive into various heavily debated areas like pricing, paywalls, ideological opinions around what should and shouldn’t be commercialized and offer insights into where the various domains are headed. After 10 years, the WordPress Business Ecosystem has grown in leaps and bounds, this panel will hopefully provide a holistic overview of some of our biggest challenges over the past decade and offer solid discussion to help provide guidance and perspective for future years.
If you are a WordPress business owner, interested in becoming one, you work for one, or you just like business and WordPress, I highly recommend you attend PressNomics.
I hope to see you there.
Looking forward to it!