Users Site Menu Link Plugin

This morning, while working in my support forum for Easy Digital Downloads, I needed to look up a user’s account. Instinctively, I went to the site menu in the tool bar, opened the sub menu and tried to navigate straight to the Users admin page. That’s when I remembered there isn’t a Users link added…

User Follow System – Part 1

In part one of the Creating a User Follow System tutorial series, we are going to take a quick look at how our final product may be implemented into a real live site, and the basic functionality it will contain. This entry is part 1 of 7 in the Creating a User Follow System Plugin…

User Bookmarks for WordPress

User Bookmarks for WordPress is a complete bookmarking system that gives your users a way to save their favorite posts to their own personal bookmarks list. The plugin is fully ajaxed for a nice, smooth user experience.

User Submitted Image Gallery – Part 3

In part three of the User Submitted Image Galleries series, we’re going to look at automatically creating our “guest” user account, and process the image uploads from the submission form. This is where our plugin really begins to take shape. After this section, we will get into actually displaying our images on the “gallery” page.…

User Submitted Gallery Images – Part 2

In this part of the User Submitted Image Galleries series we will look at setting up our custom image sizes and also the image submission form. In the previous part we registered out custom post types and taxonomies, and setup the basic structure of the plugin. This entry is part 2 of 9 in the…

User Submitting Gallery Images – Part 1

In part one of the User Submitted Image Galleries tutorial series, I’m going to walk you through the beginning steps of setting up our User Image Gallery plugin. This is a plugin that will allow us to have a user-submitting gallery of images our website. If a user registered an logged-in, they will be able…

Change Password Form Short Code

A few weeks ago I wrote a tutorial about creating front end registration and login forms. Now it’s time to create a very similar form, but for changing a logged-in user’s password. The process is really pretty simple, and quite similar.

Retrieve Users Based on Meta Value

Just like the post meta system, WordPress has a powerful user meta system that allows developers to store additional “meta” information about the registered users in the database. This meta information can be just about anything you want it to be, and can serve a variety of purposes. At the time of writing this tutorial,…

Add User ID Column to the WordPress Users Table

Being able to quickly find the unique ID number of any user in your WordPress database can be very useful, especially if you run a website with lots of users. One of the ways that we can easily find a user’s ID is by customizing the table displayed on the wp-admin/users.php page. We can add…

Simple Posts By Author Widget Tutorial and Plugin

This tutorial will demonstrate the methods used to write a simple Posts By Author Widget plugin. The idea of this plugin is to provide a widget that can be used to displays posts from a specific author. The plugin this tutorial is about is a much simplified version of the [highlight_green]Posts By Author Widget Pro…

Posts By Author Widget Pro Plugin

This plugin provides a very powerful widget that can be used to display a list of posts published by a specific author. With 13 configurable options, this widget is extremely flexible and will suit any WordPress site. It is especially well suited for multi-author blogs that wish to show off posts by a particular author.

Advanced Blog Authors Widget Plugin

This plugin provides an advanced widget that allows you to display your blog authors in any widgetized sidebar. It includes the abilities to display author gravatars, author URLS, post counts, and bios.