Custom Taxonomy Friendly Archives

I do not write about themes very often, but I have just published a tutorial over at WP Explorer on how to ensure that your theme’s archive files work well with custom taxonomies. As a plugin developer, I get frustrated at times when I have a plugin that utilizes custom taxonomies and I get support…

Password Protect Taxonomy Terms and All Posts in the Terms

A few weeks ago, AJ Clarke of WP Explorer released a really slick photography theme called Fotos. Aside from just being a great theme, it also has a great feature that allows users to password protect their photo foto galleries. While developing the theme, AJ, who is a good friend of mine, asked me for…

Adding Custom Meta Fields to Taxonomies

It is pretty common knowledge that custom meta fields can be added to posts, pages and custom post types, but did you know that you can add custom meta fields to post tags, categories, and custom taxonomies as well? It’s actually pretty simple, though relatively undocumented. So in this quick tutorial I’m going to walk…

Filter Posts by Custom Taxonomy in Admin

If you have lots of posts in your WordPress site, you have probably used the Category and/or Tag filters at the top of the post list page. These filters are great because they very quickly allow you to limit the kind of posts that are displayed, and let you find the one(s) you are looking…

Posts By Taxonomy Widget Plugin – Free

This plugin will provide a widget that allows you to display a list of terms from any custom (or built-in) taxonomy with a list of recent posts filed in each term. The terms are displayed in a list with each term’s posts shown in a nested list.

List Categories Widget Plugin and Tutorial

In this tutorial I’m going to walk you through how to create a simple widget to list categories, and custom taxonomies, in your sidebar. The final result will be a complete plugin that you can drop into your wp-plugins folder and activate like any other plugin. The code for this widget will be based entirely…

Write a Better Related Posts Plugin for Custom Taxonomies

Related Posts Plugins are very popular as a method for WordPress users to display related content at the end of their posts, providing the reader with additional relevant content. Typically, related posts plugins use Post Tags to compare posts and find those that are related to the currently displayed post.